Saturday, August 3, 2013

Expect a miracle now!

Expect a miracle now!

By Phumlani Nkwanyana

`God brought you on this earth for a very crucial and special assignment. You were born not just to increase the number of people living on earth. God has his plan about your life. What God planned about your life will never be disturbed by anyone or unseen principalities of darkness. Pain will attack you because of what is preloaded in you. Your enemy knows what you have within, therefore he tries all he can to destroy and discourage you so that you cannot see the purpose of you existence on earth. Situations, mostly painful ones will come your way to prepare for what you are about to be and for what God planned in advanced to become. One of the requirements of the place you will reach in life is the pain and disappointments that you are going through currently. All the pain and struggle you have went through and that you will go through will serve as the reference, that indeed God can rescue a man from any deep muddy clay. These pains will assist in future when the enemy tries to whisper and preach in your ears telling you that God cannot deliver you. The struggles will be the reference; you will say if my God was able to take me out of that mess, how now can he fail to do it again?

Every pain we encounter in life trains us to see the great need of God in our daily life. Without any struggles it’s not easy to witness the wonder working power of God. Sometimes we learn of God in difficult times, so that we can love him in happy times. The tests you happen to go through are the learning materials. They come to make you a better person. You are feeling that pain and you think God has rejected you and everyone has just left you. No God is preparing you for the better. He has great things in store for you; just keep believing God for a miracle. It does not take God even a minute to perform a miracle and he does not have to consult anybody if he wishes to perform a miracle.

Rest assured, your God will surely respond to your call. You have prayed so long you now think God is not hearing you prayers. God heard your prayers, in fact he knew your need before you even thought of it. Currently God is busy preparing the best for you. He wants to give you the first class blessing. God will not give you what you think is best, but he will only grant you what he sees best for you. The fact that you don’t see you answer in your hands now does not mean God is ignoring you. Your blessing is not like anyone else that is why its takes much time.

There are trucks called abnormal loads. Usually they only carry heavy weight load, and when they have to deliver, cars in the road must stop for it to pass by. It takes much longer for it to arrive in the delivery spot because of the load that it’s transporting. During the transportation period, they stop along the way and take days transporting that load. The reason your answer has not yet come in your life, it’s not the ordinary blessing. It’s come with the heavenly abnormal load. But you just have to rest assured its coming, but it will take much time because of its weight.

Traffic cops, police normally they don’t stop the abnormal load instead the abnormal truck makes police stop for it to pass. When your blessing comes to you, no one will stop it. The boundaries and stipulations of the earth cannot stop it. The principalities of darkness cannot stop it. Perhaps you have applied for a job and yet no response so far from their side. Don’t  panic God will on due time respond. David once said in the book of Psalms the Lord prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Sometimes you will see other people that don’t even pray let alone going to church. You will see them obtaining good jobs, and they will ask you, why are you not getting a job because you serve the highest God. They will make fun of you. Just know that God is just preparing a table for you. He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He will cause your enemies to see how weak you are for them to witness the working of God. He is currently preparing you a table. Though you have waited for so long, don’t lose hope, you are closer than you think, your table is getting ready. Just hold on once more. Pray once again, keep believing you are almost there. Your table that the Lord is preparing is just about to be done.

Keep believing God for a miracle, something great is about to happen

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