Monday, February 9, 2015

Don’t trust your memory, trust your imagination

Operating on your imagination

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the five senses. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present, or have happened in the past.
Everyone possesses a certain of imagination ability. In some, it is highly developed, and in others, it manifests in a weaker form. Imagination manifests in various degrees in various people.
Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and to mentally explore the past and the future.
Our imagination is another world with everything that you will ever need in the physical world. Everything you need  and everything that you will ever have during your time here on earth is available in your imagination. It needs you to exercise your power to take it and bring it here. It is there and it was stored for you no one will ever take it if you fail to bring it into life. This thing of imagination is exactly like your money in the bank, you know it is there but you don’t see it. It calls for you to take a step of faith and approach the ATM to withdraw. Everything that you have been complaining and crying about is there. You have been complaining about your  job that is not paying you well and takes away most your time. Simple go to the imagination ATM and do a special withdrawal. Many people are sitting out there without money and yet they have everything, their only problem is that they don’t want to stand up and believe in their imagination
You have been defeated for so many times in life and you wonder why you don’t win, this time you can become a victor in every battle that you encounter in your life. Win it in you imagination, you will win it in your real life.  Everything that manifest in the reality is the product of what happened in your imagination.

Start acting it, until you become it
Everything that we are starts from our imagination. What do you imagine about yourself? If you imagine yourself as a poor person, you will always live a poor life in your finances, in your relationships and in every sphere of your life. Imagine exactly what you want to become and overlook the current situation. My mom used to tell us many inspirational and informative stories during our times of prayer. In one of our prayer sessions she told us about the story of frogs. She said a group of frogs were travelling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit
was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The
two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit
with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop,
that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took
heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down
and died.
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again,
the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He
jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the
other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to
them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the
entire time.

This story teaches two lessons:
There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging
word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it
through the day.
A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes
to kill them.

Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your
path. The power of words... it is sometimes hard to understand
that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak
words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in
difficult times. Special is the individual who will take the time
to encourage another.
Shutting down your memory
Back in the years when I came to Durban, I had to visit one of the biggest banks in the country to fix my few bank issues. When I approached the bank there was a green light, I slowly opened the door and got inside. The door not like the ones I used to see, this one had some technically advanced features. I got inside but there was still another door in front of me, and I was told that I must be alone so the door can open to the inside of the bank. When I got inside the front door  it did not open simple because the back one was not properly closed. I had to wait there and wave to other people for help. The young Indian lady pointed at my back and said I must shut the door behind to go ahead.
My situation was exactly like the lives of many people today. They have not closed the doors of their past experiences. That is the only thing dragging them back even if they want to go on with life. There are things that you sometimes think about and swear in you heart that you will never change you never stop them.
Those little things that you have stored up in your life and in you heart are the reason you are not where you are supposed to be. They are holding you back. Many people are being held back by grudges and jealousy. Start shutting all those doors behind so that you can be able to go ahead. There is a bank of success that awaits you in the front, but you cant reach those great things if your past is still in control of your life. The bad we keep in our hearts delay our break through, you are too special to hold grudges for other people. Just let all the hurt that you went through pass and you will be the better person.

Learn to shut down the old memory box so that new things can come in your life. If you are still full of bad things in your life, good things will don’t have space in you.  I challenge you today to start closing all the pages of the past, close all the unforgiving heart, close jealousy. You are a powerful being never let all these things have control over your mind, heart and life. You were created to defeat everything that comes your way. You have potential to stop all the bad past and start afresh, start anew because you are the great being that cannot be hindered by the past.

Ignoring the voice of the past
When I was very young we use to herd cattle in the fields, at times I went alone without any adult to supervise me. I spent most of my times in the forest looking after cattle. In one of the days I was on my own and one of my dad’s special cow went missing. I could not go back home without it because I knew that I was going to be punished for my negligence. I had to go around and look for it. I went up the mountain trying to search for this cow, when I went up I fall by accident and rolled down until I got caught up by the trees.
I tried to help my self but I could not, fear overwhelmed me as it was already getting darker. I  started shouting for help, I shouted help for the first time and for the second time, Than I heard another voice shouting exactly like me. When I shouted the voice shouted back to me again. The voice kept on coming back but it did not help me. That voice is called echo, but I did not understand it. The more I shout the more it came to me. What made me angry the most is that no matter how loud was the voice but it did not help me. I ended up helping myself.
The voice of the past is preaching to many people today, but is not helping them. You must learn not to listen to the voices that don’t make you a better person, but listen to the voices that say you are powerful, you are strong, you have potential and you can make it. Listen to the voices that will encourage you, inspire and support you. Most of us have friends that always speak negative about everything. If you want to be great and leave a mark in this world, you must learn to distance your self form such people, they are just the voices that will never help you.
Maybe in your work place there are voices of some colleagues that always think you cannot close that deal because you are not capable enough. Don’t listen to those voices, listen to your inner drive, listen to what lies within your heart.  In life you must learn that not every voice you will hear make you a better person, you need to decided what voices comes in your life.
As the human being never let the voices of people determine the life you should leave. If you listen to them more often you will die without enjoying being you. Learn to be you even if no one approves you. You are best in being you than being someone else. You can achieve even great things if you listen the small voice which is in you. Nurture it, be attentive to it and do exactly what the inner voice says to you.

See it and believe
Everything thing that you see exist now was once not there. It called for that one individual person to imagine and visualise that particular object and it finally came to pass. Every building you see was once someone’s imagination. Nothing ever starts from being there, but its start from nowhere. In life we all want to be something better than what were are. We have plans and goals that we have set for ourselves in the next five years. Maybe you have a plan to start your own business. Maybe you want to obtain a certain degree in the next three years. What so ever you believe that you can have, it possible to own it. If you can believe it you will see it. See your self as what you want to become, not what you are right now. You might be going through hard time right now, maybe you have been rejected and betrayed by people who have promised to be with through it all.
You can still be what so ever you want to become even if people that promised to help you abandon you. Inside you lies a giant with potential. Let the giant in you rise and become what so ever you see in your imagination. The power of imagination lies much in believing in what lies within you, without looking at external force. Let the drive of faith and believe drive you to the destiny that you want to be.
Believe in what you hear and never let what is happening around you to stop what you have planned to become. Most people that I have come to meet over the years have good ideas, but if they don’t have support from people they turn to forget about their good ideas. People that will be successful in life are the people that say I will press on even if I don’t get any support from my family, friend, church mates or the society. You must learn that not every one will support the ideas that you have. Some people don’t want to see you go through the past memories that torment and delay you from living your best life. You just have to shut your eyes to the outside noise that preaches to your heart every day.

Do what others won’t do.
Long time ago when I was still at high school we studied about different kinds of bridges, our teacher told us that In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with the Long Island. However bridge building experts throughout the world thought that this was an impossible feat and told Roebling to forget the idea. It just could not be done. It was not practical. It had never been done before.
Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of this bridge. He thought about it all the time and he knew deep in his heart that it could be done. He just had to share the dream with someone else. After much discussion and persuasion he managed to convince his son Washington, an up and coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built.
Working together for the first time, the father and son developed concepts of how it could be accomplished and how the obstacles could be overcome. With great excitement and inspiration, and the headiness of a wild challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge.
The project started well, but when it was only a few months underway a tragic accident on the site took the life of John Roebling. Washington was injured and left with a certain amount of brain damage, which resulted in him not being able to walk or talk or even move. Other expects started talking and said we told them that this will not work. They called them crazy guys with crazy dreams.

Everyone had a negative comment to make and felt that the project should be scrapped since the Roeblings were the only ones who knew how the bridge could be built. In spite of his handicap Washington was never discouraged and still had a burning desire to complete the bridge and his mind was still as sharp as ever. He tried to inspire and pass on his enthusiasm to some of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task. As he lay on his bed in his hospital room, with the sunlight streaming through the windows, a gentle breeze blew the flimsy white curtains apart and he was able to see the sky and the tops of the trees outside for just a moment.
It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up. Suddenly an idea hit him. All he could do was move one finger and he decided to make the best use of it. By moving this, he slowly developed a code of communication with his wife.
He touched his wife's arm with that finger, indicating to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. It seemed foolish but the project was under way again.
For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was finally completed. Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one man's indomitable spirit and his determination not to be defeated by circumstances. It is also a tribute to the engineers and their team work, and to their faith in a man who was considered mad by half the world. It stands too as a tangible monument to the love and devotion of his wife who for 13 long years patiently decoded the messages of her husband and told the engineers what to do.
Perhaps this is one of the best examples of a never-say-die attitude that overcomes a terrible physical handicap and achieves an impossible goal.
Often when we face obstacles in our day-to-day life, our hurdles seem very small in comparison to what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that dreams that seem impossible can be realised with determination and persistence, no matter what the odds are.
Even the most distant dream can be realized with determination and persistence. No matter what words they say against you, press until you make it. You have much potential to unleash, never let what they say stop you.
 You are in Charge.
God said let us make man. This statement was not made by any arch angel or any heavenly being. It was made by the creature himself, God the owner of the universe. What was in the mind of God when he came up with this intention to create man? We understand that God is the governor of everything in heaven. He dominates and reigns as he is the king of Kings. God wanted to extend his ruler ship on earth with another being which resembles his being. He wanted his other part to exercise ruler ship and dominion on the planet earth. All of his supreme power could not be handled by heaven alone, the great ruler ship overflowed on earth. As the matter of fact he came into the conclusion that I must duplicate myself. You have to understand that you are the duplicate of God, you are the image of God. When God wants to see himself, he looks down on earth and sees himself in you. God created you not any other human; you are the product of God’s imagination and decision. You did not just show up out of the blue, God had serious thinking and deliberations with him and ended up creating you. If you want to know what is in God’s mind look at yourself, for you are the product of God imagination and desires.

God said let us make man in our own image and likeness; Do you ever wish to know how does God look like? Well today I have the good news for you, God looks exactly like you. He said let us make man after our own likeness. You are like God, never look down on yourself. Never undermine and under value that you are, God was proud after creating you. He jumped up and said wow this is really amazing; I have done some great and special creature. When no one seem to value the way you are, you just have to remind your self that I’m like God, I am the special one of the most high God. You don’t need people to get assurance that you are special, the only best assurance you will get is from God that you one of the best kind that ever walked the earth. There is no other human being like you. You are the very best of God that he has ever created and they will never be someone else like you. In economics the value of any thing is determined by it scarcity and lack of availability. If we have the lowest supply of any product in the market they will be a great demand and that will make the price of that product to escalate. The reason why gold is so much expensive it because it’s very rare, you cannot find it anywhere. Something applies to you, you have the highest value since there is no other you on earth. Imagine if on earth we only have one glass of water, how much will that glass of water cost? It will cost fortunes because it is the only item left and we will never get any from it. In South Africa before Former president Nelson Mandela past on, big companies came where he spent most of his life. They took all his belongings, his shirts and other goods and they wanted to sell them. Those Goods were very costly and not everyone could afford them. The only reason that made his items expensive it’s because they were touched by the hands of the world icon Nelson Mandela. If non-living things become very expensive because they were used by human being, how much more with you? You were touched and crafted by the God above all things. You must be very special and expensive. You were touched by Devine hands of the highest God. You are expensive and unique. You cannot afford to have people call you any how because you are special; you are the best thing since God created human beings. When God created you he gave his best and gave you everything that you will ever need on this earth, you have all what it takes to be the best person on earth. You have potential, skills and ability to be what you can dream about.
Every human being is born with the ability to rule and to be in charge of everything that comes in his way. When God created human beings in the first book of the bible he, spoke to man and said, I give you power ruler ship and dominion. Rule and be in charge of everything. Most people in this generation don’t understand that they are given super natural power to be in charge and rule over every trial that comes their way. If you fail to understand what you have and what is invested in you, for many years you will live a stagnant life, Life of slavery and pity. But once you come into understanding that God brought you into this world to be in charge of life you will live the best life. Understanding what you have been created for gives inner peace and motivation.
God created you, he wanted you to be in charge not to be overpowered with stress every single day. He wanted you to dominate that sickness and feeling of shame in your heart. He wanted you to have a good happy relationship with other people you love here on earth. You have been going through life without understanding why you exist because you have failed the most important element of your life that is to understand that you are in charge. The reason you have been facing defeat in most parts of your life, it because you failed to understand that you are in charge. After reading this passage I want you to digest these words that you are in Charge no matter what. You are the winner and NOT A failure. Wake up each and every day and confess these words until you see them manifest in your life. If you confess words of failure every day you will see your life not proceeding but going around in the same place. Each word that comes out in your life defines who you are  and will soon create your image.
In other words what you say about you and about your life you will soon become it. People around you will only see what you say you are. When I came to work where I’m currently working at Vuma Fm, I introduced myself as the man of God. I had every opportunity to present myself in other ways, but I decided to inform them that I am the man of God. That alone influenced them to see the man of God in me. Even when I did mistakes they would say it was not done by me, because they knew that I am the man of God. What you say about your self is what people will think of you. What are you saying about you self to people? What words do you say about yourself?  Your words are so powerful that people will start seeing in you what your say.

How do I instil the I am in Charge mentality in me?
I have attended many seminars in my life, some of them were business related and some were work related. There is one thing I have noticed about them, speakers tell the audience what they need to do to be great and successful in what so ever they are doing. We have been told of the things that we need to do to be millionaires or to be best business people. Most people tell us what we need to do, but they never tell us how we need to do it. The reason why most people are not successful with great business ideas, it’s because no one has ever come and told the How part.
One of the book I read when I was still at varsity said if you want to stop or want to start a certain habit in your life, you must do it for 21 days without stopping after that you will be able to overcome that habit. I want to give you a challenge, from today after reading this passage, start counting to 21 days, wake up every day and say I am in charge. Write it on your desk at work with big words, I AM IN CHARGE. When you face tough times during the course of the day remind yourself that though I’m facing this circumstance, but I’m still in charge. You are in charge even if things are not going your way. Sometimes God will allow situations to come your way to see if you understand the authority given to you of being in charge despite the circumstances.
To instil this mentality best in your life, tell other people that they are in charge of everything. Tell a friend who is going through a divorce that he is in charge of his breaking marriage. Talk to your friend who is losing hope in hospital because he is battling with cancer, give him hope and inspire him that he is in charge of whatever sickness, by doing that you are instilling to yourself that I am in charge mentality. After few days it will start sinking into you unconscious mind and once it is in your mind things will just come to play.

You are in charge even if they don’t approve you.
The ability to be in charge of what happens in your life does not need approval from human beings. This is the divine element deposited in side of you by God himself. When God deposited this unique element of being in charge he did not consult any one for approval, same to you never consult any man to approve you. In most cases people will not tell you what you really are and what God purposed you to be, but they will tell you what they want you to be. Don’t settle for less you are in charge. You are not like any mere men living on earth, you have been installed with special chip of being in dominion and authority.
If you understand that you are in charge, you never compete with anyone else but you compete with yourself because there is no one running the same race as you. 
Millions of individuals in the world discovered their talents and gifts through doing certain things. In the bible there was this young, handsome and powerful man called Gideon. This young man did not know what he was capable of doing great things, he did not understand that he was in charge. As a results his nation was defeated, oppressed and depressed.
His name had a very significance meaning as some of us, but he failed to realize that he had power of their current challenge. The Gideon, is the Hebrew word meaning the great destroyer, Feller of trees and powerful warrior. Just imagine the great warrior hidden instead of coming out to fight for the nation.
Many Gideons in this age also exist; they fail to comprehend the great ability and strength that they own. People are defeated by things that they are supposed to defeat. You are supposed to be the trouble to your life circumstances, however you are being troubled. Gideon stayed in the cave and made his ability to rest in the place for the wrong intention. Get out of your cave, many are hidden in their caves and troubles are tormenting their finances and great opportunity.
The whole nation was in ruins and they ran out of everything they had because of the wars that were unfolding in their place. Children were crying day in and day out, they were hungry just because parents had not time to prepare food for them.
Men were busy making new weapons for the war and they had no time to look after their cattle. Many cattle died as no one took care of them. In gardens everything died. The whole village was upside down. Even the high profile people were confused of the situation. They tried to sit down and think of the solution to the great challenge that was at hand. Yet their thinking had no positive result as they were defeated.
Gideon was the solution, yet he did not know that he was the solution to the current situation. He never knew that this whole problem was to be solved by him. He did not know what he was capable of doing, because he did not know who he was. He failed to understand that he was in charge.
Many people are afflicted by challenges, however solutions are with them. The biggest issue is that many are not aware of who they are, as a results they don’t know of the things that they are capable of doing. You will never know of what you are able of doing if you don’t know who you are.
If you can know who you are there are things that change in your life. There are things that are troubling you, not because they were sent to trouble you, but they were sent to attack someone else. But on their way they wanted to take a rest and they happened to hit you, but because you don’t know who you are they rested in your life. But if you can wake up and speak to things that are troubling you, great transformation will be seen.  Remind all those things that you are in charger.
All the pain that is troubling you is not meant for you. But because you don’t know that you are not for pain that is the reason it keeps on following you.  Speak to your mind and body tell them who you are. Tell your financial difficulties who you are they will understand that they don’t belong in your life. Speak to your marriage that is breaking apart that you are someone else they will start running away.
You are the child of God, so you cannot afford to have cancer in your blood. You are born of God it impossible to be unemployed. Wake up and shake off. You are in charge, Wake up and peel off the skins of troubles and put on the garment of joy and peace. Start telling your blood that the virus cannot live here. HIV AND AIDS cannot stay in my blood. Tell the situation who you are, it will understand that this is not the place.
Do you know that every situation whether bad or good they have ears and they can hear? That why when you always say I’m poor poverty quickly rush to you. The situation can hear you, and respond quickly to your invitation card. Once you start knowing who you are your life will change. The day you realize the capacity of power invested in you the issue of suffering will come to an end. The expiry date of you poor situation is in your hands and it is activated by you. You activate the expiry date for your problems the day you realize the potential and the ability you own.

In one of the biggest event, there was a very formal guy, he just jumped up in front of the crowd. Instantly, he just cracked a joke before every one. Everyone in the house laughed their lungs out. As they were all giggling, the guy cracked the very same joke again. Only few people laughed this time. The man again cracked the very same joke. This time around the crowd just stared at the man, and no one laughed this time. As the whole house looked at the man, he just smiled back at the crowd. The man just said, if you fail to laugh at the same joke now and again, why you cry now and again at the same problem. The crowd just looked at the man. You must now stop to be tormented by one addiction over again, its time to stand up and remind that addiction that you are in charge. Refuse to be defeated, but defeat everything that comes your way.

You are greater than your trouble.
Every human being on earth has the element of God deposited within him or her. We are all have the special component that our mighty father has. Whether we are born again or not, that component remains in us. This special component is the ability to dominate and not be dominated. When God created man in the Garden of Eden back in ages, he planted the capability to dominate everything that cripples on earth and everything that exist on earth.
In other words we dominate everything, whether circumstances or difficulties. We dominate it. You were placed on top not beneath by the creator of the earth. Therefore you are great.
Never measure your greatness in what people say about you, but measure it with what you creator has done. People will not say what you like about yourself. They are likely to say what you don’t like and what you are not. Ensure also that you never measure yourself by defeats you encountered in the past years. Measure yourself with the victories you have achieved.
You are great even if people don’t see your greatness and even if they don’t recognise your greatness. Your greatness is not activated when people tell you about it. However it is activated when you start to recognise that you are great and act like a great somebody.
Your fears and life difficulties will never cease to tangle around you if you fail to realize that you are greater than them. Troubles will start to get rid of you when they know who you are, not when they hear who you are. It a different story to see who someone is, than to know who someone is. The moment you trigger the thought that you are great, tragedies will know that they don’t belong to you. The time to sleep with tears and wake up with tears in your life has to reach its expiry date. The final dead line for troubles has surely arrived, because you are greater than your troubles. The final day for you difficulties to pack and run away from your territory of victory has finally come.
People in most cases are surprised of what they see taking place in their daily life. It all seem totally strange and new in their face, yet they fail to understand that what they say is what they will get. Whether it good or bad, you just reap what you sow.
When I was still a young boy, I used to wonder where did  rice come from? This happen because since I came in this planet earth I have never seen even one person in my community planting rice. In one of the summer days, I just took several grains of rice. Went to the garden which I thought was well prepared to be used for planting. Nicely did little me plant those few seeds. With great anticipation I patently waited for few weeks to point out positive outcomes. To my great surprise the seed rice never germinated. I was confused and downcast.
My problem was to plant the right seed in the wrong place and expected good results. Many people these days plant seed of failure about their lives and expect good outcome. Rice was not suitable for our place. Many people do the same in life. They often expect rice where there is no rice.
Speak what you want, and you will get just that. Whenever you say something about yourself, that thing will go around the world and seek you wherever you are till it reaches you. Many people these days are the results of the words they said about themselves. You are the product of the words you said about your life. Start saying things that will make you happy in future not things that you will not be glad to be associated with you.

Always say, I am powerful, successful and handsome if you are a man. If you are a woman always say, I am powerful, successful and beautiful. If you keep on saying these words, they start to manifest in your life. You start to feel what you say what you say.

The story of three boys
In one of the unstable areas, there were three boys who were very close friends. They usually do everything together and share most of their things. Actually they had many things in common which resulted in sharing many things in life. These three young boys happened to have new bicycles at the same time. On one of the weekends they planned to visit the far mountains just to race and enjoy their newly purchased bicycles.
On a Saturday they prepared everything and they were ready for the journey which was ahead of them. They were all thrilled of their new bicycles. In the way to the mountains they were chatting on how they will win the race that they were going to have and it was all exacting.
Their race unfolded in a very smooth and normal manner. However the area that they were riding on was not stable at all. It had steep and gentle slopes. The place was very mountainous with no stability. The third boy was just riding at the back. When they were mounting the slope, the third boy got very excited, yet when they were descending the mountain the boy would change his facial expression and get very sad.
The first boy noticed this, but never paid much of his attention. This occurred for several occasions and later grabbed his full attention. He just stopped and looked at the third boy. Surprisingly, when they ascend the hill, he will be very amused and laugh, but when descending the boy will be upset. The other boy gained confidence and decided to approach the other boy. When he asked him, his response was much unexpected.
The third boy just said, the reason why I get amused when Im ascending the hill it because I know exactly that the descending moment is coming. After feeling pain and riding when ascending, I know that soon I will be going down.
Many people in life don’t comprehend that when they are undergoing tough times in their life, it just because they joy and peace is just around the corner. Every pain that hit us in life comes to introduce new level of promotion. You might be going through difficulties at work, you have to understand that difficulties are the shadow of great joy to follow. Every time pain comes with promotion. Tough times in our lives are always followed by great times. Each of us must rest assure and get ready for something that will blow your mind after that temptation. The greater the temptation depicts that the rewards is also gigantic. The challenge is equal to its reward. When you see horrible things happening in your family, don’t just look at the circumstances, yet look at how great will be your reward after the trial.
Pain will bring peace and when your pain is gone you will enjoy the benefits of the past pains. The process is always not nice; however the results of the process are always superb. People usually like the results only and distance them from the process. You cannot have the results if you don’t want the process. It always not a good thing to be made something, but it nice to be something. People think to be someone, you just sleep and wake up being the better person. There is the process involved in between and it not nice. Remind every pain that you are in Charge no matter what happens in your life.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

1 Hour prayer
Prepared by Global Intercession Network
Under Mountain Mover
By Emmanuel Phumlani Nkwanyana

1st 10minutes
-1ST 5 minutes name your sins
-2nd 5 minutes quote verses about God forgiving and promising forgiveness
(If we confess our sins you are faithful to forgive us, He who covers his sins will not prospers,)

2nd 10 minutes
Worship the Lord
1st 5 minutes. Pray mentioning God’s wonder s in the Old Testament, declare his greatness and supremacy.
2nd 5 minutes. Declare God’s wonders in the New Testament. Tell all the Good things he did during and after the times of times. Mention the great he even did in your life. Salvation and grace

3rd 10 minutes
Pray for others
5 minutes Pray for Government
  • President
  • National cabinet
  • Provincial Government
  • Police
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Prisons
  • Universities
  • Businesses
2nd 5 minutes pray for Church and people around you
  • Unity and growth in the church
  • Families and friends to get saved
  • Protection
  • Pray for their success

4th 10 minutes
Binding and loosing
1st 5 minutes Declare what you want in your life.
2nd minutes Loose devil from every area of your life
5th 10 minutes
Thanks Giving
Thank God for what you prayed for
Thank him like you have received what you prayed for mention what you received as if you already have it