Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mountain Movers

Phumlani Nkwanyana Founder and Director 

Don’t climb your mountain but move it!
We are living on this planet earth bursting of various challenges and trials, which leaves every individual with a question which must be answered. Everyone on earth in spite of their background they have one question in their life in which they seek the answer and they don’t know who will give them correct answers to their questions. As a result Mountain Movers was envisaged to convey resolutions to many individuals around the globe. It came into existence to make available relevant answers at the relevant time for relevant people

This is the initiative categorised into different sectors respectively, to achieve and impact people’s lives in different ways. With this initiative we aim to create the sense of hope and bring bravery to individuals who have considered themselves as inferiors of the general public. This initiative further aspires to positively impact and influence lives of people with Christ’s principles, that were not afforded the opportunity of being loved and taken care of by people that were supposed to give them what they needed most. For it a fact, that in the world that we live in, there are all sort of individuals who have been through different situations. In other cases some were rejected and were never given a second chance in life to prove their capabilities and demonstrate signs of remorse to what they were rejected for. It often happens that people are judged by their current situations and at times we turn to forget to look beyond the current situation. 

This initiative also aims to provide the spiritual platform of elevating the hopeless to becoming hopefuls. Inspiring young giants of faith to becoming the victors of this generation is what mostly characterizes our aim of existence.  Out shinning the gold and treasures that were hidden in the darkest parts of churches is also the most crucial subject that we wish to pay much of our undivided attention on.
Moreover, Mountain Movers is the organization for young people who have the great zeal for the things of the Lord. Who wish in life to go an extra mile and explore what many have not yet explored, and also to discover greatest treasure hidden in Christ. It’s based on building the rigid foundation for young born again Christians with goals they wish to fulfill one day. However it does not solely focus on young people, it’s also caters for adults who wish to be elevated in spirit and expand their knowledge about the things of the kingdom. Mountain Movers intends to develop the triple being of an individual by, growing the person spiritually, equipping them socially and also empowering them with resources economically, so that they can be fit enough to face any circumstance they may come across in life.

It has been witnessed that due to the lack of knowledge many young people especially the born again Christians, happen to make uninformed decisions which at some point lead to backsliding and going back to the world. This is mostly influenced by insufficient teaching in churches or in social context. Many turn to think that they know everything only to find that they know things in the wrong perspective and for the wrong motives which creates bad image of young born again Christians. This organisation has been brought into existence to eradicate such issues.

Mountain Movers is not the organisation for the certain denomination nor promotes certain denomination’ ideology. It was brought to life to unite all young people from different denominations but serving one Trion God. It seeks to unite and build one body of Christ which will impact nations and invite billions to the Kingdom of the living God. No church doctrines will be taught but only Bible principles will pave the ways in every decision and plans made. 

The origin of the name.
The name mountain movers was inspired and motivated by what Jesus said in the bible for everything that mountain movers will do will be from the bible as our foundation is based on the word of God. One day Jesus once said if you have faith as small as the mustard seed you will say to this mountain move and be casted unto the sea, it shall be so only if you have faith. Mark 11vs23

That where the name originates from and the organisation aims to carry out that mandate of commanding mountains to move. It is the undenied fact that we all live with certain mountains in our lives. It can be in our families, in our academic life, in our health, financially, spiritually and even in our love affairs. In one place of our life we happen to be faced with the situation which give us a bad pain which we cannot even bare. We cannot hide that we are all faced with trials in life that want to drop us down and crash our goals and dreams. Mountain Movers says you must develop the ability and faith to speak to the situation that is pressing you down. It inspires people to command mountains in life to be moved and be casted into the sea. Many instead of commanding situations prefer to climb them, our motto says don’t climb your mountain but move it. Jesus said we must move them not climb them. In this age most of the people decide to be desponded to challenges that they are facing. Despondency cannot be the strategic way that can turn out the trial that has decided to present its self in your way. When one is despondent to the challenge it bloats and becomes more serious about you if you give a blind eye on it. We teach that people must develop the small spark of faith which can sprinkle the life we need to live every day.

Our Vision
Our Vision is to impact all young people from all races and age with the living word of hope and to be the most vibrant organisation. It is our greatest intention to first start at our proximate places and spread out all over. We aim to be one of the biggest Christian based organisation for the young people that impact many young people. Moreover as Jesus commanded that we make all nation disciples, it is our deepest desire to win many souls for the kingdom and become the most soul winning youth organisation.

With Mountain Movers organisation we vision it being planted in different parts of South Africa and different countries of Africa and also in most continents of the world.
We picture our organisation as the fast growing and a well functioning part of the body Christ which accelerate the transportation of the word of God to all places.

Our Mission.
This organisation aims to spread the word of God deep into the places that has not yet received and touching those who have not yet made the right decision of accepting Jesus as their personal Savior.
Our categorized mission:
ü  To promote Jesus as the only solution in everything on earth
ü  To promote holly life without compromise to young born again Christians from all walks of life.
ü  To reach levels and boundaries where older people have failed to reach.
ü  Ensuring that young born again Christians are kept having the zeal for the things of God.
ü  Helping young people uncover and understand their gift in the Christian journey.
ü  To provide platform for young and upcoming giants of the future
ü  To build the church of tomorrow today using the past ideologies and principles of the bible.
ü  Equipping young born again Christians with the word of God in their level and by other young people who are their age mate.
ü  To revive and bring back hope to the dying nation of young people
ü  To impact nations of all races and all ages with the word of hope
ü   To bring the word of God into practice 

Our membership will not be based on certain denomination or congregation. Everyone is welcome to be the member only if he or she is a born again Christian and believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his power to save. A member is to sign a form which shall be renewed after 5 years. A minimum contribution fee shall be made to keep mountain movers in full operation.  Members are free to offer ideas and strategies to impact people’s lives, but shall not any point change the core vision of Mountain movers. The executive shall be made of the founder as the chairperson and other members regardless of their denominational background. Founder and director is free to decline position if he is willing only after imparting the vision to other members. 

Recruitment will be done in different ways, using different platforms. One the platforms to be used are the social networks. Facebook will serve as the major pool for web recruitment. Our recruitment will seek young evangelists around Durban and around the entire province of KwaZulu-Natal. One of the strategies for the recruitment is attending major Christian events and spread the word of this new wing for the kingdom. Visiting different Churches will also be one of the tools to make the organisation known and recruit new members who wish to put a hand in moving mountains that block Christians’ movement to greater level.  Word of mouth recruitment will also play a very pivotal role in recruiting agents of Change. God will draw people of his heart to be part of this great movement that will change cities for the greater course of the kingdom. It is our prayer at Mountain Movers that we have members in every city of this province and at the later stage to have a member in each province which will later results in establishing a branch in every country across Africa from Cape to Cairo. Through the assistance of the Holy Spirit all this will be achieved according to his plan and purpose. 

Media image
The Mountain Movers Youth movement will in each event held publicize it values and vision by finding coverage from the local media, not limited to press and digital media. This will be done by liaising with different media houses and form a well grounded long term partnership. We will also gain vast media coverage in the social media that include Facebook, Twitter and YouTube where most events will be posted. New Facebook page will be created and will be active everyday to ensure interactivity with members and supporters of this divine movement. Mountain Movers blog will also serve as one of the global platform to take the organisation globally as all events will also be posted on the blog which will later be changed to interactive and digital website to ensure smooth operation of the organisation. 

Advertising the brand
Mountain Movers will become one of the known brand to the Christian community as it will become more visible in most of services they will attend. In big events held in Durban one of the Mountain Movers ambassadors will be afforded an opportunity to highlight who we are  and the reason for our existence.

Advertising will also be done through issuing of branded T-shirts for this movement, branded pens, bible covers, caps, note books. We will also issue free branded DVDs and CDs that will contain all our information for supporters and stay connected with them if need be.

Categories of our events
1.     Seminars
Mountain movers intend to hold seminars that will elevate and equip young born again Christians. With the seminars we intend to present new things that can assist young people in their Christian journey. These seminars will also serve as the platform to expose young people with talents that were hidden in the bundus. 

Mountain movers will each year host two seminars, these seminars will mainly focus on issues challenging the youth of today. As the seminars will be held twice a year, the first one shall be staged in March of each year while the second held in December.

2.     Two days Conference (Camp)
Two days conference is also one of the biggest events that will draw many young people from different churches and ministries to come together and dine in one table. The two days conference shall be set as follows. It will start on a Friday on the specified date and time. During this conference Young people will be given a chance to share and teach other young people the word of God. This will be the opportunity for the young giants of faith to unleash their potential without any limitation. The conference will comprise of different sessions with different speakers, though much of activities will be conducted by Young people, however in some of sessions adults will be invited to give guidance and advice. The first day of the conference being Friday will kick start with a vibrant revival which will run till later. In that opening revival there will be the introduction and presentation of Mountain Movers so that people will have the glimpse of what the Movement is all about. On the second day, the first session of the normal service begins early in the morning and the second session called Straight Talk begins where all issues will be tabled and discussed while males and females are present. These conferences will be characterised with vibrant music, inspirational advice, and spirit lifting word of God.
3.     Open Airs

Mountain movers shall host open airs not less than 5 five a year. This will assist in extending and winning souls for the kingdom, since it’s our main vision. These open airs shall be hosted in Cities, towns, townships, rural areas that is schools, universities, prisons, and or even in churches. These are not only the places to host these open airs. It will be the lead of the Holy Spirit that will be followed.

4.     Gala dinner
Mountain Movers shall twice a year host Gala dinners in different areas for different purposes. These Gala dinners will be held for double purpose, the first being to equip and teach born again community. In these GALA dinners we shall have speakers that will discuss different topics and also have guest speaker that will preach. Gala dinners are mainly for business intentions, discussing how one can expand his marketing strategies to increase his sales. Introducing advanced means of marketing selling your business idea to relevant stake holders will be some of the topics to be discussed.
The second purpose will be to fundraise for certain campaigns.

5.     Community outreach
In our outreach we plan to seek funds from potential sponsors that will freely give us items to help young and old people that have become victims of hunger and poverty in the society. We will be targeting disadvantaged individuals and families that might lack food and other essential things for daily living. The recipients shall be selected with help of the area councillor. That selected family will be visited prior the actual date of offering assistance to check where help is needed most.

We will also work with local primary and high schools to help dis-advantaged pupils. Class teachers will help to identify learners that are in great need, and they will be assisted with what they need the most. We will be working with other local organisations and companies to make this a success and in every event of handing over of all these items a small service will be scheduled and the word of hope and power that delivers man from oppression of sin and gives liberty from bondage of darkness will be preached

Categorised Seminars
Mountain Movers shall stage diverse seminars in different days which will serve different intentions that will be of help in construction the body of Christ and young people of today. It has been witnessed that most young people of this generation are not much engrossed in being taught and yet they have a reduced amount of knowledge of the things of the Lord, instead they want to ascertain things in the erroneous way. These seminars will serve to edify, enlighten and influence young individuals with pertinent and factual information that will keep them throughout their journey of existence. 

6.     Worshippers Seminar
We are all aware that God created man to serve one mandate which is to give praise and worship unto the Lord day and night. The whole reason behind the creation of human race was to actually take over the potion which was previously occupied by the highest ark angel of praise Lucifer in Heave. As he was cast on earth for his self exaltation, God decided to substitute him with human beings.

The worship seminar will be aimed at teaching and empowering Christians to have the different perspective of worship, and not regard it as an item done by certain individuals in churches. With these seminars great worshipers will be sharing their special encounters with the Lord through worship. This is where people will receive their restoration without the laying of hand, but by worshiping only the living God. When we whole heartedly worship God, he is moved in heaven and is forced to manifest his power amongst those who whole heartedly worship him. The bible says God is now looking for true worshipers who will worship him in truth and in spirit; it is that time that we worship God with all our minds and knowledge.

In these seminars different topics on worship will be touched upon, and will be characterized with much anticipated move of God through worship.  Attendees will be taught about worship and also get a rare and profound moment of experimenting flowing in the presence of God by worship not by moving of emotions. It where people will be restored revived and elevated to next dimension through worship. Some will be healed and discover their true identity in Christ after swimming and becoming drunk of the Holy Ghost.

7.     Youth in prisons
As the Mountain Movers we understand that there are also other young people who are locked behind bars in many prisons of our country. They also have big dreams that one day they wish to see them coming into reality. Some of them are locked for wrong accusations and some have noted with regret the decision they took with wrong people in life. We are not supposed to criticize and judge many of young people who are in prison cells before understating their stories.

As Mountain Movers it will be our duty to at some times visit different prisons and give word of encouragement to some of the inmate especially young people who still have potential to change the world. We understand that the society with changed minds can bring about any change that is desired in the world. We will host motivational talks with the imprisoned young people and give them a chance to tell their stories without judging them. 

All of this will give them opportunity to heal from the wounds of hatred and all the pain they have been through. At times we will spend time with them playing games, just to encourage and motivate them, ensuring them that they still become anything they wish to become in the world despite the challenges that they have been through. We will give them gifts and ensure them that with Jesus any Mountain in front of them can be still moved. It is true that many of the inmates are faced huge Mountains worse part they don’t get people to share their pains and sorrow that they are suffering from. We will therefore bring Christ as the source of solution to any problem that any man can face.
In different prisons we will establish branches for Mountain Movers to keep newly converts rooted in Christ and always motivated. This will also assist in spreading and enlarging the territory for the movement, as some they will go out after completing their sentences and continue to be the ambassadors of Mountain Movers in their own places. We will also keep in touch with young people even after they complete their sentence and assist them in finding employment and also in furthering studies to different institutions of higher learning.

Those dealing with different addictions like drugs and alcohol will also be given guidance of how they can escape and be taught Godly principles so that they can live righteously in their communities.

8.     Global Intercession Network
Mountain Movers is called to raise and equip prayer warriors that will stand in the gap for the body of Christ. The bible records that God needs watch men that will not sleep nor slumber but those who will keep watch of the city and stand in the gap. I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one, Ezekiel 22vs30
 As Mountain Movers, we aim to empowering young people with effective ways of communicating with God. It has been witnessed that many serve God but they don’t know the proper channels of addressing God. Many prayers are not answered because people are not properly trained to pray. Disciples of Jesus one day in Matthew 6:9, asked Jesus to teach them to pray because prayer is one of the elements that you must be trained to have. This wing will issue prayer sheets and daily confessions that will assist in daily devotions as every morning the network will be connected to pray.

The Global Intercession Network (GIN), will serve to mobilise other prayer warriors to form one chain everyday for prayer. The GIN will include Christians from different denominations as well, and will be focusing solely on praying for our country Provinces, towns, schools, government departments as the word records that we are to pray for those in power. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek  my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land, 2 Chronicles 7vs 14. God is looking for people who will pray for our land. All afflictions that attack our country will be defeated, if we can have men who can faithfully stand in the gap.

We will plan fasting days where the network will be praying for certain items. In the beginning of each year GIN will also meet, to pray for the challenges that Christians will face ahead of the year to start. This will include final day celebration after breaking the one month fasting which will be taken rotational to members.  We will also make sure that we pray for leaders of our country as the word commands us to pray for them. I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases our saviour. 1 Timothy 2 vs. 1 - 3.

In the first week certain Group will engage in fasting and pray about different items in the following week, the other group will also join, up until the month is wrapped up, and one big celebration service will be planned. The GIN will also pray in hospitals and have radio show slots where people will be educated about the importance of prayer. In many churches it seems as if intercession is for the old ladies that cannot sing well, however that is not the case. The bible mentions that Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ 1 Thessalonians 5 vs. 17 – 18. We are all to pray because when the enemy attacks, he does not consider if you are the old lady of not. Jesus also made mention that we are all ought to pray unceasingly.  We are always in the battle with the enemy though we cannot see the battle with our enemy. That battle can only be won by praying earnestly with our spirit. God says in Zachariah 4 vs. 6, not by mighty nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord Almighty.  The GIN will also record CDs for prayer and warfare which will assist other people who are still struggling in prayer.

9.     My Soul Mate
It has been reported that Christians make most statistics of divorce in the entirely world. This is amongst other things made by the fact that young people commit themselves to marriage before they are ready enough to commit themselves. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman for she was taken out of a man. That is why man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh Genesis 2 vs. 23 – 24. Marriage is from the bible and we are to do it if God has planned one for us, but we are to get into marriage using proper channels and know when the right time for marriage. Most young people are not properly informed of how to deal with adversities in marriage, as a result when challenges come; they turn to see divorce as the best solution to escape the nightmare of their marriage. Many of them wants to get married while those already married want to go out because things are not turning out the way they anticipated before they committed themselves.

Some of the topics to be covered in these seminars includes young person at the pre-marriage stage. Topics like avoiding divorce after marriage these are all hot topics we intend to cover. Most these topics will be addressed by older people that have had experiences in these things. They will be warning and advising young people of good routes to be followed to yield positive results in world of motherland and fatherland. My Soul Mate is therefore a helping aid that will assist in offering guidance to young people before they even decide to get married. It will be a one day service where best ways will be shared if one thinks is ready to commit himself to this huge commitment. In these services Couple will be invited to give guidance and best advice to prepare for marriage. In this case both males and females will be present and discuss all the issues that affect most of the young people.

10.  Mountain movers night of FIRE
The Mountain Movers intends to host after every three months a fire influenced and holly ghost filled whole night prayers to inspire and encourage young people to press on with their destiny. These cross nights will also serve as the platform for young people to exercise their gifts and also be exposed to the wide range of audience. This will provide a rare and profound opportunity for young born again Christians to experience swimming in the tangible presence of God. This will also be the pool of healing and deliverance for many young people as all the fivefold ministry will be allowed to function accordingly. The bible says, So Christ himself gave the apostles, the evangelists, the pastors, and teachers to equip his people for work of service so that the body of Christ can be built up Ephesians 4 vs. 11 – 12

  Our Cross night will start at 20H00 and end the next day 06h00. Young people with mountains to be moved from different churches will jointly worship and share the glorious moments in his presence.

11.  Mountain movers bringing back of the ark
Mountain Mover’s bringing back of the Ark is the one day service of restoration, it will be held twice every year, to rebuild the walls that the enemy stole from the church Its aim is to reclaim all what has been lost to the church. These service aims to instil what the Generals of the gospel walked with in order to successfully achieve what God called them for. It will teach what the Late N.J Sithole, Nicholas Bhengu, Chiliza and other giants of faith taught the church. 

We cannot deny that when we walk with God at times we miss other things and turn to our ways, this service will assist in providing guidelines on how to correctly conduct yourself as the young Mountain Mover.

We believe that God will make this work come to pass as he brought the vision to my life. With God all things are possible and God’s ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. This movement will impact billions of people directly and indirectly. It will bring hope to the hopeless and help people move mountains that they face every day.
Don’t Mount it, but Move it, Mark 11vs 23.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Expect a miracle now!

Expect a miracle now!

By Phumlani Nkwanyana

`God brought you on this earth for a very crucial and special assignment. You were born not just to increase the number of people living on earth. God has his plan about your life. What God planned about your life will never be disturbed by anyone or unseen principalities of darkness. Pain will attack you because of what is preloaded in you. Your enemy knows what you have within, therefore he tries all he can to destroy and discourage you so that you cannot see the purpose of you existence on earth. Situations, mostly painful ones will come your way to prepare for what you are about to be and for what God planned in advanced to become. One of the requirements of the place you will reach in life is the pain and disappointments that you are going through currently. All the pain and struggle you have went through and that you will go through will serve as the reference, that indeed God can rescue a man from any deep muddy clay. These pains will assist in future when the enemy tries to whisper and preach in your ears telling you that God cannot deliver you. The struggles will be the reference; you will say if my God was able to take me out of that mess, how now can he fail to do it again?

Every pain we encounter in life trains us to see the great need of God in our daily life. Without any struggles it’s not easy to witness the wonder working power of God. Sometimes we learn of God in difficult times, so that we can love him in happy times. The tests you happen to go through are the learning materials. They come to make you a better person. You are feeling that pain and you think God has rejected you and everyone has just left you. No God is preparing you for the better. He has great things in store for you; just keep believing God for a miracle. It does not take God even a minute to perform a miracle and he does not have to consult anybody if he wishes to perform a miracle.

Rest assured, your God will surely respond to your call. You have prayed so long you now think God is not hearing you prayers. God heard your prayers, in fact he knew your need before you even thought of it. Currently God is busy preparing the best for you. He wants to give you the first class blessing. God will not give you what you think is best, but he will only grant you what he sees best for you. The fact that you don’t see you answer in your hands now does not mean God is ignoring you. Your blessing is not like anyone else that is why its takes much time.

There are trucks called abnormal loads. Usually they only carry heavy weight load, and when they have to deliver, cars in the road must stop for it to pass by. It takes much longer for it to arrive in the delivery spot because of the load that it’s transporting. During the transportation period, they stop along the way and take days transporting that load. The reason your answer has not yet come in your life, it’s not the ordinary blessing. It’s come with the heavenly abnormal load. But you just have to rest assured its coming, but it will take much time because of its weight.

Traffic cops, police normally they don’t stop the abnormal load instead the abnormal truck makes police stop for it to pass. When your blessing comes to you, no one will stop it. The boundaries and stipulations of the earth cannot stop it. The principalities of darkness cannot stop it. Perhaps you have applied for a job and yet no response so far from their side. Don’t  panic God will on due time respond. David once said in the book of Psalms the Lord prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Sometimes you will see other people that don’t even pray let alone going to church. You will see them obtaining good jobs, and they will ask you, why are you not getting a job because you serve the highest God. They will make fun of you. Just know that God is just preparing a table for you. He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He will cause your enemies to see how weak you are for them to witness the working of God. He is currently preparing you a table. Though you have waited for so long, don’t lose hope, you are closer than you think, your table is getting ready. Just hold on once more. Pray once again, keep believing you are almost there. Your table that the Lord is preparing is just about to be done.

Keep believing God for a miracle, something great is about to happen


Move your Mountain

There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best.
He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men.
He too, loved his 2nd wife. She is a very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant's confidante. Whenever the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out and tide him through difficult times.
Now, the merchant's 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household. However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.
One day, the merchant fell ill. Before long, he knew that he was going to die soon. He thought of his luxurious life and told himself, "Now I have 4 wives with me. But when I die, I'll be alone. How lonely I'll be!"
Thus, he asked the 4th wife, "I loved you most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" "No way!" replied the 4th wife and she walked away without another word.
The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant's heart. The sad merchant then asked the 3rd wife, "I have loved you so much for all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?" "No!" replied the 3rd wife. "Life is so good over here! I'm going to remarry when you die!" The merchant's heart sank and turned cold.
He then asked the 2nd wife, "I always turned to you for help and you've always helped me out. Now I need your help again. When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?" "I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!" replied the 2nd wife. "At the very most, I can only send you to your grave." The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated.
Then a voice called out : "I'll leave with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go." The merchant looked up and there was his first wife. She was so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition. Greatly grieved, the merchant said, "I should have taken much better care of you while I could have !"
Actually, we all have 4 wives in our lives
a. The 4th wife is our body. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die.
b. Our 3rd wife ? Our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they all go to others.
c. The 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been there for us when we're alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.
d. The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material, wealth and sensual pleasure.

Guess what? It is actually the only thing that follows us wherever we go. Perhaps it's a good idea to cultivate and strengthen it now rather than to wait until we're on our deathbed to lament