Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Siyeza siyanyelela lesosikhathi

Siyeza siyanyelela lesosikhathi .
Lapho imibuso iyovukelana yodwa
Lapho kuyoba khona indlala enkulu nokuzama zama okukhulu emhlabeni
Ngithi siyeza siyanyelela lesosikhathi esabonwa uDaniyeli esendaweni engcwele ngcwele wathi uma nibona amanyala nencithakalo ofundayo makaqaphele.
Siyeza siyanyelele lesosokhathi lapho ungeke uze uthenge uthengise ngaphandle kuka 666 ebunzini lakho.
Ngithi Siyeza sayanyelela leso sikhathi lapho umphiki Christu eyobusa izwe lonke
Engani sebeqalili nge World Order bafuna umhlaba ubuswe uhulumni oyedwa
Engani i-Africa bafuna ibuswe uhulumeni oyedwa
Engani sebeqalile basugula ibhange lomhlaba bathi yi world bank
Ngithi siyeza lesosikhathi siyanyelela
Engani bathi izwe liyathuthuku kanti bafuna ukufaka imisebenzi yobumnyama
Siyeza siyenyelela leso sikhathi lapho okwenzayo uzobe uqashwe ebuxhaka xhakeni bamakhompyutha
Hawu engani nangu uNkosazana Dlmini Zuma useshitshe amapasi uthi awabe amacard anobuchwebeshe bama Micro chip
Hhayi bo ngithi kuyeza kuyanyelela
Engani naba bathi manje wonke umuntu akabe nenamba yakhe ukuze aziwe
Hhayi bo kuyeza kuyanyelela eSouth Africa
Ngisho nengane encane ithi izalwa ithole I-id number kukhulu kuyeza kuyanyelela
Nabafundi ezikoleni bathi abathole amastudent number ngithi kukhulu kuyanyelela
Nezindlu zethu bathi azibe nezinumber ama house number kukhulu kuyeza kuyanyelela
Noma khalekhukhwini bethu banezinamba amacell number hhayi bo kukhulu kuyeza kuyanelela
Engani i-UNITED NATIONS okwaphrophethwa ngayo isiqalile maye nezwe lakithi iSouth Africa liyinxenye yayo.
ENGANI YONKE IMPAHLA YASE SOUTH AFRICA INE bar code kanti yonke ibar code inalo 666
Engani umandela othandwa kangaka unaye lo 666, yize bemfihla bethi u 46664 kodwa ngithi kukhulu kuyeza kuyanyele maye nase South Africa sekufikile
Hawu kanti wena uvale amehlo yini engani ne Flag lakithi eSouth Africa linembala ewu six
Hawu awuboni yini kanti wena engani ne ANC bathi ine top 6
Hawu kanti awuboni yini wena engani noZuma useshade imishado ewu six.
Hawu kanti awuboni yini wena engani eculweni lesizwe bakhipha nenxenye ethi yehla moya ongcwele ngoba bebona ukuthi umoya kababa uzodala inkinga.
Engani abaprofethi bamanga okwa profethwa ngabo sebefikile maye nase South Africa yethu bakhona
Engani nezingane seziqalile ukushaya abazali bese kuthiwa zinamalungelo maye south Africa sekuqalile.
Engani amadoda esevunyelwe ukushadana odwa maye nase South Africa sekuqalile
Ngithi kukhulu kuyeza kuyanyelela
Maye okuyokwenzeka ngalolo suku
By Phumlani Mabhodl' umlilo Nkwanyana

For Audio copy send request to Epzikode@gmail.com


Saturday, February 18, 2012

My life is a message

Our Deepest Fear
By Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were all meant to shine, as children do.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

My life is a message!
Each person is born not just to exist and occupy the space, but each of us is born with the meaningful message to transform and impact the lives of people around us. Within us there is the room where all the messages that must be transferred to other beings are stored. Many times we ignore such storerooms and we rarely recognize their importance, not mentioning their presence. That is why I was triggered and tempted to dirty the paper with the ink, not to just waste my valuable time and resources. My hand was tickling for I had a message to tell the world.
My life is the message that must reach billions if not trillions in the world. In life we are born in different families and in different dispensations. We never get a chance to pick and choose the family we eager to share our lives with. God unfortunately never granted us that ability to decide on the country in which we are born in. If some can be granted that opportunity to decide which family to be born from, we can witness great havoc on earth as people endeavor to move from that family to that one.
It the undoubtable truth that some families are happier than others, some are richer than others. Many of us if not all of us has the thought in mind that the other family is better than my family. They have more money than my family. You can not see the great potential in you if you always compare you self with other people. When God set down and crafted you, he had no comparison. God uniquely crafted you to his best ability.
If you are instilled with the mind set of comparing your self with other people, you will not reach where you want to reach, but you will reach where other people has reached. You must know in life that your destiny will never and its never similar to your friend, your classmate and even your blood brother. You have you own heavenly planned destiny that you are destined to walk alone.
Therefore the families we are born in at times we are not gratified to be part of them, just because we want things that we saw in other families. Do you know that most people tend to spend most of their time with friends more than family members. In most cases many people prefer to share their deepest secrets with friends and not the members of the family. The question remains why?
When God placed you in that family he had a plan for it. God never woke up the following day and said OK! Guys, today we will place so and so in that family and this one goes there!
No! Its not that way. It was well planned and considered that, you and not any one else must be born in that family. The fact that you were born from the illiterate family does not mean you will also be like that.
In most cases people do this mistake of thinking that because of the family background or history, they will also be like the poor unfortunate background of the family. Your family background must never be your impediment in life. It must never even by mistake become the stronghold that’s blocks you future. However, you back ground must be the mirror that reflects all the pains that will inspire you to transform your tomorrow.
At times people use their poor family backgrounds as the excuse of not achieving what they are born to achieve. My background will never hold me from doing what God prepared and planned for me more than 1 million years ago. The fact that my previous generations were poor does not mean I will also follow in their footsteps. In your family, play the role that you are called to play, for it will remain vacant until you do something about it.
When I was young I had a very big problem I always complained and asked my self, why was I born in this family? My question was never answered, for there was no man was able to answer only God was. At some instances I reached some thoughts that I wanted to be white because it was not nice at all. I now realize that I had a role to play in my family. To motivate them, encourage them, give them hope, inspiration, love and words of wisdom. I happen to ask my mom to narrate the story of my birth; it really touched me to see how interesting it was because I had great to do on earth just as you have great to do.
After the 9months pregnancy the 24th remarkable day of January came, they told me that I could not wait to come out, because I had great to do. When labor pains started in my mom, they tried to get an ambulance for her. But it was too late, because I wanted to come out. As they were patiently waiting for the ambulance boom there was me just popped out. Surprisingly my mom said I was born before time, the month I was born with was not the exact month they expected me. Why? I HAD A MISSION packed inside me that no one can take away from me.
You are also loaded, you are packed, and you are full of things from above. What is locked inside of you cannot be stolen. No one can take it from you. The government of your country cannot take it from you. The advanced methods of human kind cannot take it from you. You were granted it just because you are extra special. Not just special, but the VVIP, the Very Very Important Person. Not just to your family but to God and the world.
When I was born they said I just busted in tears. It was not that I felt any pain or something of that matter. It was not that I WAS regretting because OF leaving the most peaceful place the place of conception. I had tears of JOY because I waited for too long to join the world with my message which is my life.  The tears were of celebration because IM DESTINED TO do great.
Further than that, THEY said I was born under the huge tree because it was a very hand iron bombing with rod hot day. Therefore she was forced to rest under the tree and allows the process to unfold as it was planned. That is one of the reasons they named me “PHUMLANI”, this name is the Zulu name which refers to REST.

We have it in record that blacks and whites, fat and thin, dwarfs and giants, schooled and unschooled, able and disables, privileged and less privileged, and many more has succeeded in life and lived to manifest their ultimate destiny. David Schwartz appropriately captures it best when he said that "where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches, or pounds, or college degrees, or family background; they are measured by the size of their thinking". Permit me to share my thoughts grounded on my research of more than two decades on how successful people think.

Firstly, I have come to the knowledge that successful people are forward thinkers. They think beyond the now, they are consumed with their vision, they have a dream that they live for, they have the understanding that the first step to accomplishment in life is to have a dream. They think about their better tomorrow even when things don't look like it today. They see things as they can be and not only as they are, have had they had a clear picture of the future that they want to feature in. Successful people get better in every way every day and sign up for continuous and never-ending improvement. Successful people don't waste their time living in the past; they work to create the future that they desire.

Successful people have been found to be incurable optimists. They see opportunity in every difficulty, they do beyond complaining, and they see a setup for a comeback in every setback. They believe that an exit from somewhere is an entry to somewhere, they are unconditionally positive. They exude confidence, calmness and energy. They hope for the best and market hope to the people around them. Successful people will give you a million reasons why they should be happy when you have a thousand reasons for them to be sad. Successful don't have impossibility in their dictionary, they see every giant as too big to miss, they think positive thoughts, and they look for every good in every situation. Successful people have inspirational powers and are passionately committed to what they do; they forge ahead even when everyone refuses to believe in them, they pursue their dream with the last drop of the blood in their veins. They believe in their God given potential.

Success people exude exceptional creative powers. They allow and harness continuous flow of ideas. They think things through and through till they are clear of what they want to achieve. They give attention to their intention and then turn it to an invention. Successful people bring out sense from nonsense, they make messages out of mess, and they make new wine form old wine.

Successful people are unlimited thinkers. They are unstoppable. They don't accept that someone else is better than them, they have learnt to face their fears and they know how to conquer it. Successful people live their lives above limitations, they set truly awesome targets. They believe that records have been set to be broken; they are charismatic, inspirational and energetic to the fault. Successful people will tell you in all modesty that if they can't do it, then no one else can do it. They are sure they have a GOD and that they carry in them the seed of greatness. They know the infinite potential for greatness embedded in man.

Successful people are strategists. They are strategic thinkers and have a long time plan for success. A great sage once told me that if one is not planning to succeed, then he's planning to fail. Thus, Successful people know where they are, have an idea of where they are going and are always planning on how to best get there. They talk the talk, plan the plan and walk the walk.
My question to you this moment is; do you know where you are? Have you got an idea of where you are going and how will you get there. To get things done in this life, you need focus.

You can only rise, conquer and achieve by lifting up your thoughts. The depth of your failure is not enough to determine the height of your success. Your capacity for growth and wonders is undoubtedly limitless.
Your responsibility to yourself is to do something with your life and make a real difference in this world. There's no limit to how much better your life can get.

You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
In any direction you choose
You have all it takes to succeed in this one life that you have come.