Saturday, July 9, 2011

Glance to my motivational book

Phumlani Nkwanyana

These days I’m busy with my motivational book (Move Your Mountain), which is expected to be finished next year 2012. The book is full of inspiration and can elevate your spirit. Here are some of the things that you will find in the book:

Better is the man who tries and fail, than the man who fails to try. These days we have many people complaining about this and that. They are saying big words, yet they are doing nothing about their situations. In this age people have mountains standing on their way to success and great accomplishments in life, the biggest problem it to take the first step and try moving on.

Never count how many times you have been struck down and defeated by the enemy, but count times you have stood the test of times. People are not interested on how painful did you fall. They are interested on how did you succeed to come back to your trail. In life many people devote their time describing and scrutinizing their circumstances.

Start from today to spend most of your time changing and commanding your obstacles to get rid of your life, finances, family and even your future.
There is more that will blow your mind in this book.