Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Be the mountain mover

By: Move your mountain motivation

Life is a puzzle and it needs people who will play it with extra care. It is a movie, which was created and written by God. This movie of life is played by any living individual. The biggest challenge is that, it has no cut, no play back or repeat. When you play it make sure that you play in your level best.

Life calls for people who will clearly understand that time will not come back again. Each opportunity that comes your way grab it, like no body’s business. Make sure to use every chance, because it possible that you might not get it next time. Many people in life suffer from the procrastination sickness. It is called P.S. When they are expected to carry out certain duty, they just postpone for the following day. Time and opportunity comes to you to be utilized effectively.

When God gives you a chance to do something, ensure that you don’t miss it. God Is willing to uplift certain individuals, yet they don’t grab the free opportunity.